Pollinator Project

Introducing the Dry Creek Pollinator Project
Our ranch and gardens are nestled in the foothills of central California. We grow a host of native and some non-native pollinator plants to benefit all of our native pollinators and beneficial insects. Our plan is to partner with farmers and ranchers to provide them with the tools to protect and increase our native pollinators by providing the following:
Tools for farmers and ranchers to preserve and protect native pollinators, plants, and animals:
- Knowledge and plant lists of our native plants common to our part of the state, and varieties that we have had success with in our gardens.
- We will document and photograph the current plants that grow on our ranch and gardens.
- Provide resources to get setup with local pollinator providers to introduce native bee species such as the mason bee, carpenter bee, and leafcutter bees.
- Provide information and sources for natural biological insect control to manage pests naturally in your gardens.
If you would like to know more about our project or are interested in us coming out to your property please contact us below.

Solitary Bees
Rent Mason Bees
These are the earliest pollinators to come out. They actually pollinate up to 90% more than a honeybee. These are a great addition to your pollinator garden. The link below will take you to our favorite company Rent Mason Bees. You buy the bees and the house, hang in your garden, and once they hatch out at the end of the season you will send the house and bees back.
Let`s Talk
Contact Us
We`d love to hear from you. We`re here to answer your questions and listen to your suggestions.