What to Put in Your Meditation Room

When it comes to meditation, the set up of the room can make a huge difference. Now, this doesn’t mean that meditation has to always be in one place. In fact, we enjoy meditating in our meditation corner, the balcony, and our favorite spot is in the garden. However, there are a few things that just seem to make meditating a more peaceful and enjoyable experience.
So, let’s jump in.
Meditation Pillow
The first thing that I bought when starting out was a meditation pillow. Now, these are not necessary, but they do allow for support for your body as well as helps keep your spine in a neutral position. Some of these cushions can be pretty pricey, but one of our favorites is the one shown here from Amazon. This one is great because the outside cover can be washed. This is most convenient when this pillow gets taken out in the garden.
Sound Bowls
These are a new addition to our meditation routine and are also great if you do a full sound bath meditation. The peaceful frequency promotes energy within the body and mind. Some of our favorite bowls are the frosted sound bowls. They really match the ambiance that we promote within our meditations.
Smudge Sticks & Incense
Another great addition to your room is some incense or smudge sticks. We prefer to burn natural loose incense within our clay bowls you can shop our Frankincense & Myrrh Incense Bowls within our store now. This covers the sense of smell during your meditation to promote healing and energy within. You can also use a diffuser as another great alternative if you are sensitive to incense.
The decor for your meditation room should always be objects that promote peace. Do not put objects with negative energy or bad memories in this space. This can cause lack of focus within your meditation session. We like to use energizing crystals and fresh herbs to promote a happy and peaceful vibe within the room. Another favorite to add in are some buddha figurines and lots of small white candles.
Remember to make the room what you want it to be and put the most positive energy in that room or corner so that you promote positive energy from within. This will help improve your meditation sessions and make it one of the most enjoyable parts of your day.
Thanks for reading and as always……
Stay Curious.