How to Burn Loose Incense
Before we get into how you can burn your loose incense, we need to have a little disclaimer first. You need to use some good common safety knowledge when burning incense of any kind to avoid setting smoke alarms off as well as starting a fire. Never burn incense near anything that could catch fire such as curtains or on top of wood that might catch fire from the heat. You will find that it can be intimidating at first, but if you use the proper precautions, you will find it much more magical than stick incense.
Now, let’s get into the fun part.
How to Burn Loose Incense

The first thing to do when burning loose incense is to make sure that you have the proper supplies:
- Heat Safe Bowl
- Small Metal Tongs
- Charcoal Tablets
- Salt or Sand
- Loose Incense
Now that you have your supplies, it’s time to set up.
Take your heat safe bowl and place in a safe location. If you are using a table, we recommend that you use a heat-safe plate underneath your bowl to prevent any damage. Next, you are going to take some salt or sand and make a nice layer about 2 inches thick at the bottom of your bowl. This is going to keep your charcoal tablet insulated and keep from burning the bottom of your bowl.
Next, take a charcoal tablet and nest it on top of your bed of salt or sand. The next step is to take a lighter or match and light the charcoal tab, I like to light it on a couple sides and it should light right away. You will know that the tab is ready when you see little sparks start to light up. Don’t worry this is completely normal!

Once your charcoal tab is lit, wait a few minutes until the edges turn a light gray color. Now, you may now add your incense. Do this by taking the metal tongs and grabbing a couple pieces of the loose incense and add it to the center of the charcoal tab. Make sure not to start with too much because it does burn for quite a while.
Make sure to watch your incense carefully. The charcoal tablet will eventually turn to ash, and you can either add more sand to the ash next time you use it, or wait until it is completely cool to discard the remains.
That’s it! You have now burned loose incense the expert way. You can also experiment and add in herbs while your incense is burning for other cleansing purposes.
Hope this post helped, and have a save and happy incense burning!