Lilac Simple Syrup

Nothing quite says springtime like the pale purple blooms of the lilac bush. It’s fragrant scent is iconic and the blooms are fleeting but beautiful!

Lilac blooms are edible, who would have thought!? They make a lovely simple syrup that can be used in your tea, cocktails or anything that needs a little sweetener.

Key tip: Make sure that the blooms are fresh, this prevents dried pieces ending up in your syrup.


Lilac Simple Syrup

This simple syrup is a perfect addition to craft cocktails that you want to have a hint of that floral flavor.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Drinks
Servings 2 cups


  • 1.5 cups Lilac Flowers We use white lilac here, but there are other varieties that can be used.
  • 1 cup Sugar Granulated
  • 1 cup Water


Step 1: Make your simple syrup base. Add sugar and water to a saucepan and heat until dissolved and clear 
Step 2: Turn off heat, add Lilac blooms, let steep for 15-20 minutes. 
Step 3: Add a drop of food coloring if you’d like to really make it a lilac color, then strain into your favorite jar and serve! 
Keyword cocktail syrups

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